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Equity paper: “Social justice in vision zero and ethnic discrimination”

August 2020, August-September 2021, September 2023

Saint Gilles, Laeken

On the 20th of August 2019, a police officer driving at 98 km/h hit the young Mehdi Bouba behind Central Station. His tragic death generated a wave of indignation in Brussels. The collective Justice pour Mehdi anchored itself in an ongoing critical reflection on police treatment of racialised people. Heroes for Zero set up a working group to reflect on the issue of social justice in vision zero.

The police are often identified as key players to enforce road security. However, certain police practices exacerbate road violence, such as ethnic profiling and the use of high speeds, leading to the deaths of several pedestrians, including Mehdi Bouba. How can we avoid similar tragedies in the future? How can we ensure fair and safe mobility for all, including minority groups?

These questions are at the heart of our publication, "Social justice in vision zero and ethnic discrimination", which sets out our recommendations for reforms to be implemented within the police.

You can find a summary of the publication here.

Communal Memorandum