Learn: Find articles, studies, and facts that will help you advocate for road safety.
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Projects: Discover various projects that change the way we think of and imagine our streets.
About: We're a non-profit striving for zero road deaths and zero serious injuries in Brussels.
Vision Zero is a fundamentally different approach to road security that starts from the principle that every death or serious injury due to a collision is one too many. Road deaths are preventable.
While collisions are inevitable in densely populated areas like cities, you can and must strive to reduce the severity of such collisions. What a human body can cope with when hit by a vehicle must be taken as the reference point in our system.
Beyond 30km/h, the chances for a human being to die or be seriously injured from a collision increases disproportionally. Reducing speed is thus the most important factor of intervention.
People make mistakes, this is what makes us human. But no one deserves to die or end up in a wheel chair for making a mistake, especially children. This entails logically that human mistakes must be taken into consideration when designing our infrastructure.
It’s the notion of “forgiving infrastructure”. When designing these forgiving infrastructure, people’s safety is given more importance to than the fluidity of traffic.
Core Elements for Vision Zero Communities, Vision Zero Network - read here
Sécurité Routière : Avec l’approche Vision Zero, faire de Trois-Rivières un précurseur, Vivre en Ville, mars 2019 - access the PDF (FR)
The Brussels government wants zero deaths and serious injuries on our streets by 2030.
But despite some positive trends, we do not see a decrease in the number of casualties. At the current rate, we will not achieve this goal.
The next six years will be the “last chance legislature”, and efforts must accelerate.
Read the full Memorandum!>
Driving at 30km/h saves lives, that’s the key idea to remember. Speed is the single most important factor deciding whether a colision becomes deadly or not. If hit by a car at 50km/h, a pedestrian has a 50% chance of dying.
At 30km/h, the same pedestrian’s chance of dying is almost down to 0-5%. In other words, it’s a no-brainer.
Making 30km/h the norm in cities is not a question of ideology, it’s just laws of physics. François Chamaraux, a science teacher, explains:
- why the deadliness of a collision is more-than-proportional to speed;
- why driving through a city at 30km/h instead of 50 won’t extend your car trips by more than a couple of minutes;
- yet why 30km/h subjectively feels so much slower than 50.
Pedestrian fatality and impact speed squared: Cloglog modeling from French national data, May 2017, Traffic Injury Prevention, 19(219)
Physique de la voiture urbaine: plaidoyer pour Bruxelles ville-30, François Chamaraux, dans La Ligue de l’Enseignement, mardi 23 février 2021
By becoming a member of Heroes for Zero, you get access to our new and growing library of books on the following topics—vision zero, road security, urbanism, active mobility…
We try to collect cutting-edge literature that helps us rethink our streets. We’ve also been collecting various academic articles and powerful memes on the topic.
Our library also includes tools such as speed-measuring devices that help you collect data on the traffic situation in your neighbourhood.
Join us to get access to all these and more.
Do you believe in the objective of vision zero and would like to support us on our commitment to safer streets?
A donation would be most welcome to help us finance our various actions and projects.
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We're a non-profit striving for zero road deaths and zero serious injuries.