Learn: Find articles, studies, and facts that will help you advocate for road safety.
Do: Your tools, resources and inspiration for taking action.
Join us! Become a member of an amazing support network of Heroes.
Projects: Discover various projects that change the way we think of and imagine our streets.
About: We're a non-profit striving for zero road deaths and zero serious injuries in Brussels.
Stay in touch
We will regularly update you on the critical developments in road safety in Brussels. We will inform you on the new tools and give information that will help you successfully take action in making your neghbourhood and your city safe for you and your loved ones.
vzw Heroes for Zero asbl
e: info@heroesforzero.be
Place du Samedi 13
1000 Bruxelles
Do you believe in the objective of vision zero and would like to support us on our commitment to safer streets?
A donation would be most welcome to help us finance our various actions and projects.
BE61 5230 8117 3517
Go back to our
Articles, studies, and facts to for road safety.
Your tools, resources and inspiration for taking action.
Join an amazing support network of heroes.
Discover our various projects that change the way we think of and imagine our streets.
We're a non-profit striving for zero road deaths and zero serious injuries.