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Memorial for road victims

February 2020


In November 2017, Stephanie Verbraekel was hit and killed by a motorist while crossing the road on foot. Shortly after her death, designer Jean-François D'Or, 1030/0 coordinator Pieter Fannes and Stephanie's family decided to create a memorial to Stephanie and other road victims.

The moving tribute, "J'ai y laissé mes plumes" (literally “I have lost my feathers”, a French expression meaning “I have been badly hurt”), was unveiled in February 2020 at a ceremony attended by Brussels Road Safety Minister Elke Van Den Brandt and Schaerbeek Mayor Cécile Jodogne. The memorial is permanent and is located on the Chaussée de Haecht at number 276.

The memorial was created in collaboration with Parents d'Enfants Victimes de la Route and with the financial support of Bruxelles-Mobilité.

Communal Memorandum